Heavy rain game pc unplayable
Heavy rain game pc unplayable

An intriguing thread early on hints that Ethan is suffering some sort of memory loss or dissociative state that could connect him to the murders, but it is completely dropped later in the game, apparently a casualty from a bunch of cut content that makes the game more confusing. Unfortunately, what the characters think is sometimes inconsistent with what they do, and glaring plot holes soon make themselves apparent. You also get to listen to your characters' thoughts, which offer hints towards the objective and sometimes provide insight into that character’s feelings. The way the game switches from character to character keeps the game feeling fresh, and slightly less grim than 10 hours of Ethan crawling over shards of glass. Norman is investigating crime scenes and using police equipment, for example. The other characters, though, have their own objectives. Ethan is contacted by the Origami Killer directly, and is put through various trials in order to save his son, such as driving the wrong way into traffic. Much of the plot's intrigue is found in the way each character tries to find more information. Three other characters are also involved in the hunt: Norman Jayden, an FBI Agent with magic AR sunglasses journalist Madison Paige and Scott Shelby, an ageing and gruff private investigator.

Heavy rain game pc unplayable serial#

Shaun has been taken by a serial murderer known as the Origami Killer, who targets young boys and drowns them in rain water. Heavy Rain is a story-driven game following Ethan Mars, a father in search of his kidnapped son, Shaun. After nearly a decade of PlayStation exclusivity, Heavy Rain is on PC, which means you can now press 1 rather than X to “Jason! Jason! Jason!”

Heavy rain game pc unplayable